About The Immigrant Story:
The Immigrant Story is a private non-profit organization whose mission is "to document, narrate, and curate the stories of immigrants in order to enhance empathy and help promote an inclusive community". It does this through images, narratives, exhibits, and live-events that highlight the stories of people who otherwise might not have a platform. Doing so fosters a sense of community, and shared experience.
About our partnership:
The Oregon Historical Society's own mission to "advance knowledge and inspire curiosity about the people, places and events that have shaped Oregon" makes this a natural partnership. Through our combined efforts, we will preserve and make available oral history recordings that share the experiences of immigrants in our state.
About the collection:
The stories told in these interviews cover a wide range of experiences, and perspectives from around the globe. They provide a glimpse at the variety of reasons that move people to immigrate: for safety, for opportunity, for careers, for love.