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Oregon--Politics and government--20th century
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Letter from Yorisada Matsui to Masuo Yasui, 8 March 1927

Letter from Yorisada Matsui of the Portland consulate to Masuo Yasui, dated 8 March 1927. In the letter Matsui describes the effectiveness of a luncheon to promote Japan-U.S. goodwill and notes that the newspaper article reporting on the event is a step forward in influencing public opinion on relaxing land exclusion laws. He also describes his plans to go to Independence to meet with Congressman Fletcher, who is opposed to the land exclusion plan. The letter also includes an update on the Japanese language school construction in The Dalles, Oregon. Matsui does not use his title or official consulate stationary for this letter.
Translation Note: Selections from this document have been translated into modern Japanese and English.

Matsui, Yorisada

Letter from Yorisada Matsui to Masuo Yasui, 8 March 1927

Letter from Yorisada Matsui of the Portland consulate to Masuo Yasui, dated 8 March 1927. In the letter Matsui describes the effectiveness of a luncheon to promote Japan-U.S. goodwill and notes that the newspaper article reporting on the event is a step forward in influencing public opinion on relaxing land exclusion laws. He also describes his plans to go to Independence to meet with Congressman Fletcher, who is opposed to the land exclusion plan. The letter also includes an update on the Japanese language school construction in The Dalles, Oregon. Matsui does not use his title or official consulate stationary for this letter.
Translation Note: Selections from this document have been translated into modern Japanese and English.

Matsui, Yorisada

English translation of a selection of a letter from Yorisada Matsui to Masuo Yasui, 8 March 1927

English translation selection of a letter from Yorisada Matsui of the Portland consulate to Masuo Yasui, dated 8 March 1927. In the letter Matsui describes the effectiveness of a luncheon to promote Japan-U.S. goodwill and notes that the newspaper article reporting on the event is a step forward in influencing public opinion on relaxing land exclusion laws. He also describes his plans to go to Independence to meet with Congressman Fletcher, who is opposed to the land exclusion plan. The letter also includes an update on the Japanese language school construction in The Dalles, Oregon. Matsui does not use his title or official consulate stationary for this letter.
Translation Note: This document is also available as the original manuscript document and as a modern Japanese translation.

Matsui, Yorisada


ポートランド領事館の松井頼定から安井益男への1927年3月8日付けの手紙の抜粋部分の現代日本語訳。 この手紙の中で松井は、日米親善を促進するための昼食会の効果について述べ、このイベントを報じた新聞記事が、排日土地法の緩和に関する世論に影響を与える一歩となったことを指摘している。また、排日土地案に反対しているフレッチャー下院議員に会うため、インディペンデンスに行く予定であることを述べている。また、オレゴン州ザ・ダレスでの日本語学校建設に関する最新情報も書かれている。松井はこの手紙では肩書きも領事館の公式文具も使っていない。              

Matsui, Yorisada

Draft letter by Masuo Yasui to Japanese Consul in response to withdrawal of anti-Japanese legislation, 21 March 1917

A draft letter by Masuo Yasui to Japanese Consul Akamatsu (Sukeyuki Akamatsu?) addressed from the Japanese Residents of Hood River. The letter thanks Consul Akamatsu for his efforts to convince Oregon State Senator George R. Wilbur of Hood River to withdraw his proposed bill to restrict Japanese from owning property in Oregon. The bill was modeled after similar legislation passed in California.
Translation Note: This document has been translated into modern Japanese and English.

Yasui, Masuo

Draft letter by Masuo Yasui to Japanese Consul in response to withdrawal of anti-Japanese legislation, 1917 March 21

A draft letter by Masuo Yasui to Japanese Consul Akamatsu (Sukeyuki Akamatsu?) addressed from the Japanese Residents of Hood River. The letter thanks Consul Akamatsu for his efforts to convince Oregon State Senator George R. Wilbur of Hood River to withdraw his proposed bill to restrict Japanese from owning property in Oregon. The bill was modeled after similar legislation passed in California.
Translation Note: This document has been translated into modern Japanese and English.

Yasui, Masuo

English translation of a draft letter by Masuo Yasui to Japanese Consul in response to withdrawal of anti-Japanese legislation, 21 March 1917

Translation of a draft letter by Masuo Yasui to Japanese Consul Akamatsu (Sukeyuki Akamatsu?) addressed from the Japanese Residents of Hood River. The letter thanks Consul Akamatsu for his efforts to convince Oregon State Senator George R. Wilbur of Hood River to withdraw his proposed bill to restrict Japanese from owning property in Oregon. The bill was modeled after similar legislation passed in California.
Translation Note: This document is also available as the original document and as a modern Japanese translation.

Yasui, Masuo



Yasui, Masuo

Letter from Masuo Yasui to Yoshichika Kataoka, 9 April 1921

Letter from Masuo Yasui to Yoshichika Kataoka, dated 9 April 1921. In the letter Masuo discusses the introduction of a land exclusion bill in the Oregon State Legislature. He describes how the bill passed the House of Representatives by a large majority and the only reason it did not pass the Senate was that senators were instructed to temporarily postpone the bill during the period of negotiations between the US and Japan. Masuo expresses his concern that the legislature will pass an anti-Japanese law in the near future, drawing attention to the fact that such exclusionary laws already exist in the neighboring states of California and Washington. He concludes by saying that he is determined to fight hard and to the end and questions how Americans can call the country a just and humane nation. Additional topics include updates on mutual acquaintances, the difficulties of the orchard business, and fear of growing anti-Japanese sentiment.
Translation Note: This document has been translated into modern Japanese and English.

Yasui, Masuo

Letter from Masuo Yasui to Yoshichika Kataoka, 9 April 1921

Letter from Masuo Yasui to Yoshichika Kataoka, dated 9 April 1921. In the letter Masuo discusses the introduction of a land exclusion bill in the Oregon State Legislature. He describes how the bill passed the House of Representatives by a large majority and the only reason it did not pass the Senate was that senators were instructed to temporarily postpone the bill during the period of negotiations between the US and Japan. Masuo expresses his concern that the legislature will pass an anti-Japanese law in the near future, drawing attention to the fact that such exclusionary laws already exist in the neighboring states of California and Washington. He concludes by saying that he is determined to fight hard and to the end and questions how Americans can call the country a just and humane nation. Additional topics include updates on mutual acquaintances, the difficulties of the orchard business, and fear of growing anti-Japanese sentiment.
Translation Note: This document has been translated into modern Japanese and English.

Yasui, Masuo

English translation selection of a letter from Masuo Yasui to Yoshichika Kataoka, 9 April 1921

English translation selection of a letter from Masuo Yasui to Yoshichika Kataoka, dated 9 April 1921. In the letter Masuo discusses the introduction of a land exclusion bill in the Oregon State Legislature. He describes how the bill passed the House of Representatives by a large majority and the only reason it did not pass the Senate was that senators were instructed to temporarily postpone the bill during the period of negotiations between the US and Japan. Masuo expresses his concern that the legislature will pass an anti-Japanese law in the near future, drawing attention to the fact that such exclusionary laws already exist in the neighboring states of California and Washington. He concludes by saying that he is determined to fight hard and to the end and questions how Americans can call the country a just and humane nation. Additional topics on pages not translated include updates on mutual acquaintances, the difficulties of the orchard business, and fear of growing anti-Japanese sentiment.
Translation Note: This document is also available as the original document and as a modern Japanese translation.

Yasui, Masuo

安井益男から片岡喜親への手紙の現代日本語訳、 1921年4月9日


Yasui, Masuo

Letter from Masuo Yasui to Junzaburo Hiraiwa, 27 July 1921

Letter from Masuo Yasui to Junzaburo Hiraiwa, dated 27 July 1921. In the letter Masuo gives family updates and discusses the apple market situation, the status of a Japanese exclusion bill in the Oregon legislature and the discouraging increase in such bills, economic difficulties and loss of value of some agricultural products, and the pressure of anti-Japanese trends.
Translation Note: This document has been translated into modern Japanese and English.

Yasui, Masuo

Letter from Masuo Yasui to Junzaburo Hiraiwa, 27 July 1921

Letter from Masuo Yasui to Junzaburo Hiraiwa, dated 27 July 1921. In the letter Masuo gives family updates and discusses the apple market situation, the status of a Japanese exclusion bill in the Oregon legislature and the discouraging increase in such bills, economic difficulties and loss of value of some agricultural products, and the pressure of anti-Japanese trends.
Translation Note: This document has been translated into modern Japanese and English.

Yasui, Masuo

English translation selection of a letter from Masuo Yasui to Junzaburo Hiraiwa, 27 July 1921

English translation selection of a letter from Masuo Yasui to Junzaburo Hiraiwa, dated 27 July 1921. In the selected translation, Masuo discusses the status of a Japanese exclusion bill in the Oregon legislature, noting that the bill passed the House with a large majority but was rejected by the Senate by a small margin. He describes how he believes a similar bill will appear again in the near future, emphasizing that California and Washington have already enacted harsh anti-Japanese bills. He continues on to describe the economic slump and stagnation of business, with labor wages dropping and some agricultural products becoming valueless. Additional topics included in the letter are family updates, the apple market situation, and the pressure of anti-Japanese trends.
Translation Note: This document is also available as the original document and as a modern Japanese translation.

Yasui, Masuo



Yasui, Masuo

Al Monner news negatives

  • Org. Lot 1284
  • Collection
  • 1936-1974

The vast majority of this collection is made up of negatives created by Al Monner for the Oregon Journal. A small number of negatives were likely created by fellow Journal photographer Ralph Vincent, also for the Oregon Journal. While it's likely that almost all the negatives in this collection were created as part of Monner's work for the Journal, some images may also be his personal work. Most of the negatives are black and white, with a handful of color images taken in the 1950s and 1960s. A small selection of images from 1936 to 1938 were likely taken during Monner's time at the Oregonian newspaper. Large-format negatives from 1936 to 1959 have been processed and inventoried, while 35mm film from 1959 to 1974 remains unprocessed.

The photographs highlight over 30 years of current events in and around the Portland area, with a smaller number taken elsewhere in the state. Yearly events, such as the Portland Rose Festival and the Pendleton Round-Up, are featured prominently. A substantial number of images from the 1940s show Portland war efforts during World War II, featuring photographs of shipyards, soldiers, and rationing efforts at home. A small number of photographs also show early incarceration of Japanese Americans. Monner also frequently photographed dam-building efforts on the Columbia River at Celilo Village, The Dalles, and Bonneville.

Also included are photographs of accident scenes, fires, explosions, new building projects, sporting events, contest winners, and important national figures visiting the Portland area. Taken together, the collection displays the breadth of Monner's work as a photojournalist, covering the everyday to the exciting.

Monner, Al (Alfred Anthony), 1909-1998

Oral history interview with Dorothy H. Thornton

  • SR 1076
  • Collection
  • 1991-09-10 - 1991-12-13

This oral history interview with Dorothy H. Thornton was conducted by Nancy Hawver from September 10 to December 13, 1991, as part of the Oregon Historical Society Research Library's oral history program. The interview was conducted in four sessions.

In the first interview session, conducted on September 10, 1991, Thornton discusses her family background and early life in Tillamook, Oregon, including her parents' involvement with the Tillamook Creamery Association. She talks about her early education, her recreational activities, and her early interest in art. She discusses a trip she took to Europe in 1935. She talks about her experiences in high school and at the University of Oregon. She also revisits the topics of the Tillamook Creamery Association and her early life in Tillamook. She discusses her marriage to Robert Y. Thornton and talks about his legal and political career.

In the second interview session, conducted on October 17, 1991, Thornton discusses her experience during World War II and talks about working in the blimp factory in Tillamook. She also talks about Robert Y. Thornton's service in the U.S. Army during the war. She discusses Robert Y. Thornton's study of Japanese and her own study of art. She then discusses living in Tillamook at the end of the war, talks about her involvement in the Tillamook Library Board, and about raising her son, Thomas Wells Thornton.

In the third interview session, conducted on November 22, 1991, Thornton discusses living in Salem after Robert Y. Thornton was elected to the Oregon State Legislature in 1950 and talks about her experiences as a wife of a politician, her involvement with the Bush House Auxiliary, and her interest in art and photography. She also talks about cases Robert Y. Thornton worked on as state attorney general.

In the fourth and final interview session, conducted on December 13, 1991, Thornton continues to discuss living in Salem, including her involvement in early childhood education. She also continues to discuss Robert Y. Thornton's career as state attorney general. She talks about her involvement in the Arts in Oregon Council and other arts organizations; describes her cornea transplant surgery; and discusses taking art classes. She talks about a trip she took to Japan in the late 1950s, about attending attorneys general conventions, and about the establishment of the Grove of the States in 1967. She closes the interview by discussing her involvement with the Portland Art Museum and other arts organizations.

Thornton, Dorothy H. (Dorothy Haberlach), 1913-2005

Oral history interview with Vince Whiting

  • SR 1092
  • Collection
  • 2019-07-01 - 2019-12-02

This oral history interview with Vince Whiting was conducted by Kim L. Andrews from July 1 to December 2, 2019, at the Brookwood branch of the Washington County Public Library in Hillsboro, Oregon. The interview was conducted in two sessions.

In the first interview session, conducted on July 1, 2019, Whiting discusses the life and career of his first wife, Pat Whiting. He talks about her education at San Jose State University and their early marriage. He discusses his own education at San Jose State University, Chico State University, and Oregon State University and his plan to become a veterinarian. He also briefly talks about his wife at the time of the interview, Amira Whiting. He discusses Pat Whiting's service in the Oregon State Legislature, including her work on legislation regarding the ban of chlorofluorocarbons, and describes her personality. Whiting briefly discusses his family background and early life in Chicago, Illinois. He then talks about moving to Oregon with Pat Whiting around 1968, and his career with GlaxoSmithKline. He discusses Pat Whiting's political philosophy and speaks at length about her 1972 campaign for the Oregon House of Representatives and how she interacted with her constituents. He speaks about the reasons Pat Whiting entered politics, her interest in environmentalism, and the environmental legislation she worked on.

In the second interview session, conducted on December 2, 2019, Whiting discusses the reasons Pat Whiting entered politics, the barriers she faced as a Filipina, and her 1972 campaign for the Oregon House of Representatives. He describes how she communicated with her constituents and her priorities as a legislator, particularly regarding the environment. He discusses Pat Whiting's views on and experience with abortion, as well as her views on birth control. He talks about internships that Pat Whiting started and her legislative and community work regarding education, as well as her work on an Oregon smoking ban. He discusses Pat Whiting's work after leaving the Legislature in 1979, including her involvement with various organizations and charities, particularly Loaves and Fishes, Dress for Success, and Project Independence. He talks about her work towards community policing and her advocacy of helmet laws. He closes the interview by talking about the reasons why Pat Whiting left the Oregon Legislature and reflects on her accomplishments.

Whiting, R. Vince (Roy Vincent), 1946-

Oral history interview with Barbara Hanneman

This oral history interview with Barabara Hanneman was conducted by Vinita Howard at Hanneman's home in Turner, Oregon, from March 26 to April 1, 1991. In the interview, Hanneman discusses her family history and early life, including meeting her husband, Gene Hanneman, his career as a forester, and moving to Salem, Oregon. She also discusses the lives of her three children, as well as her grandchildren. She then talks about working in the offices of the Oregon Legislature, starting with the Board of Control before her children were born, then returning to work as a desk clerk for the Legislature in 1955. She describes working for Maurine Neuberger, Bob Holmes, Bob Duncan, Al Ullman, Bob Straub, and others. Hanneman discusses clerking for various committees, campaigning, and legislative procedures. She also talks briefly about other clerks at the Legislature, including Cecil Edwards. Hanneman then discusses working for the Neil Goldschmidt administration. She closes the interview by discussing changes in state government during her career.

Hanneman, Barbara Lewis, 1922-2017

Oral history interview with Richard E. Groener

  • SR 1103
  • Collection
  • 1988-09-13 - 1989-03-25

This oral history interview with Richard Groener was conducted by Richard McConnell from September 13, 1988, to March 25, 1989. The interview was conducted in two sessions.

In the first interview session, conducted on September 13, 1988, Groener discusses his early life in Oregon City, Oregon, including his experiences during the Depression. He speaks at length about working in Alaska in a cannery and mining gold. He talks about his experiences in the Merchant Marines during World War II, including spending time in China. He then talks about his involvement with the Democratic Party and why he first ran for elected office. He discusses his service in the Oregon House of Representatives and in the Oregon Senate from 1955 to 1982, including his political campaigns and his two primary defeats. He describes the garden-party style of fundraisers he often held, talks about his association with Wayne Morse, and shares his opinions of the Oregon governors who held office while he was in the Legislature.

In the second interview session, conducted on March 25, 1989, Groener briefly discusses a trip he took to Taiwan and revisits the topic of spending time in China during World War II. He speaks about labor legislation that came up during his time in the Legislature, about working with lobbyists, and about his relationship with the press. He discusses legislation he worked on, and closes the interview by talking about some of the people he served with.

Groener, Richard, 1917-

Oral history interview with Cecil L. Edwards

This oral history interview with Cecil Edwards was conducted by Irvin Luiten from May 18 to 26, 1988. In the interview, Edwards discusses his family history and early life in Salem, Oregon, including his education and early interest in government. He then talks about his experiences working for the Oregon Legislature beginning in 1933. He discusses the old Capitol building, which burned down in 1935; campaigns he worked on, and the role of lobbyists. He also talks about working as secretary for Governor Charles Sprague. Edwards then describes his service in the National Guard during World War II, particularly working with horses and dogs. He talks about returning to work in Oregon government after the war ended, including serving on the Racing Commission; being fired by Governor Mark Hatfield; lobbying for the Oregon Cattlemen's Association; and returning to the Legislature to work as a secretary. He discusses the numerous committees he was secretary for, including the agriculture committee, fish and game committee, and land-use board. Edwards next discusses his tenure as secretary of the Senate from 1965 to 1975, focusing on many of the legislators he worked with, including Clarence Barton, Debbs Potts, and Jason Boe. He also speaks at length about redistricting, as well as the duties of the secretary of the Senate and Senate rules.

Edwards, Cecil L.

Oral history interview with Debbs Potts

This oral history interview with Debbs Potts was conducted by James Strassmaier in a Super 8 Motel in Grants Pass, Oregon, and at an ExecuLodge in Salem, Oregon, from April 15, 1991, to May 28, 1991. In the interview, Potts discusses his family background and early life in Eastern Oregon, including his family's religious life, his education in one-room schools, and working various jobs as a young teenager. He also talks about the sawmill business, including owning and operating various sawmills. He then discusses his marriage to Bobbye Irene Michael, including their attempts to adopt children. Potts talks about his service in the U.S. Navy during World War II, including his training and life on a ship. He also discusses his time as mayor of Grants Pass from 1958 to 1960.

Potts then discusses serving in the state Senate from 1961 to 1984. He talks about his involvement with the Democratic Party; several prominent Democrats, including Harry Boivin and Jason Boe; and his early committee assignments, particularly the Ways and Means Committee. He discusses his campaigns, legislative procedure, and interpersonal politics. He also talks about legislation that came up during his tenure, including on taxes, reapportionment, and education. He discusses working with other legislators, including Monte Montgomery, Ben Musa, Lynn Newbry, and Ed Fadeley. Potts talks about serving as president of the Senate from 1967 to 1970, including the process of getting elected to that position, having Cecil Edwards as his secretary, and the duties of the president. He also discusses working with different governors' administrations, the Senate presidency of Jason Boe, and partisan politics. Potts talks briefly about his faith and his adopted children. He closes the interview with a discussion on his activities after serving in the Legislature, including running the Oregon Lottery.

Potts, Debbs (Eugene Debbs), 1908-2003

Oral history interview with Harry D. Boivin

This oral history interview with Harry Boivin was conducted by Clark Hansen in Boivin's office in Medford, Oregon, from July 25, 1991, to June 6, 1992. In this interview, Boivin discusses his family history and early life in Klamath Falls, Oregon, as well as his education at Santa Clara University in California. He then discusses getting started in his law career, including working for the district attorney in Dorris, California, and then working with Claude McColloch in Klamath Falls.

Boivin then talks about serving in the Oregon House of Representatives from 1935 to 1942, including serving as speaker of the House in 1937. He discusses partisan politics and coalition building; the old Capitol building and conditions after it burned down in 1937; his support of the New Deal; and his time as speaker. He discusses some of the legislators he worked with in the House, including Grace Peck. He also talks briefly about his activities after leaving the House, including trying to enlist during World War II, as well as serving on the Oregon Liquor Control Commission and the Board of Education.

Boivin goes on to discuss serving in the Oregon Senate from 1955 to 1972, including as Senate president from 1961 to 1966. Some of the issues he discusses include reapportionment, logging and forestry, taxation, and agriculture. He also talks about campaigning, committee assignments, and the duties of the Senate president. Boivin talks often about the Oregon Institute of Technology and his role in its formation. He also discusses his working relationship with the many governors that served during his political career. He discusses his fellow senators, including Monte Montgomery, Al Ullman, Wayne Morse, and Debbs Potts.

He closes the interview by discussing the changes in the Democratic and Republican parties, and politics in general, over the second half of the 20th century.

Boivin, Harry D. (Harry Dolan), 1904-1999

Oral history interview with John D. Burns

This oral history interview with John D. Burns was conducted by Clark Hansen at Burns' office in Portland, Oregon, from April 22, 1992, to February 28, 1993. In this interview, Burns discusses his family background and early life in Condon, Oregon, particularly life on a ranch. He then discusses attending Notre Dame University, including his involvement in athletics; and attending Georgetown University Law School, including how his political views solidified during this time. He also talks about working for Senator Dick Neuberger. Burns discusses returning to Oregon to work as a lawyer, then as deputy district attorney in Multnomah County, including working with George Van Hoomissen, and cases he tried. He discusses his time as a lawyer in a firm with Pat Dooley, working on insurance cases. He also talks about his involvement in the Democratic Party and politics. He speaks briefly about his marriage to Brooke Claridge and their four children.

Burns discusses his legislative career in the Oregon Senate from 1967 to 1975, including his campaigns. He discusses legislation he worked on, including revising the criminal code, taxes, environmental legislation, abortion, transportation, mental health, his committee assignments, and Senate procedure. He also talks about his fellow legislators, including Tony Yturri, Stafford Hansell, Lynn Newbry, and Debbs Potts. He discusses the coalition of conservative Democrats and Republicans that controlled the Senate for many decades. Burns then discusses his time as president of the Senate from 1971 to 1973, including the process of getting elected to the position, reducing the number of committees, and reapportionment. He talks about many of the landmark pieces of legislation that passed during his tenure, including the Bottle Bill and the raising of the voting age to 18. He also discusses his relationship with the press; the election of Jason Boe as Senate president in 1973; and the land-use bill SB 100.

After a year-long break, the interview resumes with a discussion of Oregon politics in 1993, including politicians that Burns considered rising stars, such as John Kitzhaber and Gordon Smith. He also discusses his work as a lobbyist and lawyer after leaving the Legislature. He then returns to the topic of legislation during his time in the Senate. He discusses the changes in the Legislature and the Democratic Party in the years since he left. He closes the interview by discussing his current activities and hopes for the future.

Burns, John D. (John David), 1936-

Oral history interview with Alfred H. Corbett

This oral history interview with Alfred H. Corbett was conducted by Clark Hansen at the Oregon Historical Society in Portland, Oregon, from November 29, 1991, to April 24, 1992. In this interview, Corbett discusses his family background and early life in the Dunthorpe neighborhood of Portland and in eastern Oregon. He also discusses the political career of his father, Henry Ladd Corbett, and life during the Depression. He then talks about his education, including studying business at Harvard and law at Yale. He discusses meeting his wife, Nancy deCanizares, and her family background and early life. He briefly discusses his service in the U.S. Army during World War II, where he fought in Italy from 1943 to 1945. Corbett talks about practicing law in Portland and about some of his clients, including the Southern Pacific Railroad. He also talks about his brief service on the Portland Housing Authority at the time of the Vanport Flood; his year in the Defense Electric Power Administration; his involvement with the Democratic Party; and returning to Oregon to run for the state Legislature.

Corbett discusses his legislative career in the Oregon House of Representatives from 1953 to 1956. He talks about his campaigns, partisan politics, and his committee appointments. He discusses legislation he worked on, including on child care funding, education, civil rights, and budgeting. He also speaks at length about serving on the Ways and Means Committee. He then discusses serving in the Oregon Senate from 1957 to 1964, particularly his continued work on the Ways and Means Committee. He discusses some of the legislation he worked on, including on health care.

Corbett then discusses working on the 1956 presidential campaign of Adlai Stevenson and his own 1964 campaign for Oregon secretary of state. He discusses his work in the federal Office of Economic Opportunity in Washington, D.C., from 1965 to 1972, and then in the Legal Services Corporation until his retirement in 1978. He talks about some of the programs he was affiliated with in those positions, including educational, legal aid, and health care programs. Additionally, he discusses his dealings with U.S. Senator Wayne Morse and U.S. Rep. Edith Green. He also talks about clashing with the Nixon administration. He closes the interview by talking about his activities in retirement and his family life.

Corbett, Alfred H. (Alfred Hoyt), 1915-2000

Oral history interview with William L. Dickson

This oral history interview with William L. Dickson was conducted by Jim Strassmaier at Dickson's apartment in San Diego, California, from September 25-26, 1991. In this interview, Dickson discusses his family background and early life in Portland, Oregon, including contracting polio while in high school and his early interest in politics, including his admiration of Franklin D. Roosevelt as a fellow polio survivor. He then discusses attending Northwestern Law School and many of his professors; clerking at the probate court in Portland; his family's religious faith; and getting started in a law practice in Portland. He talks about his experience as a debt collector during the Depression; his first run for the Oregon Legislature in 1930; and meeting his wife, Dorothy Adelaide Unk, in 1931.

Dickson goes on to discuss his time in the Oregon House of Representatives from 1933 to 1936, and in the Oregon Senate from 1937 to 1939, including his desire to help people burdened by debt; coordinating with his uncle, Ashby Dickson, to pass a constitutional amendment making judges nonpartisan positions; and legislation he worked on, particularly on the probate and guardianship code. He also talks about the role of lobbyists; the pay scale for legislators; and many of the legislators he served with, including Nan Wood Honeyman, Monroe Sweetland, and Frank Lonergan. He discusses his involvement with the Democratic Party; the impact of the Depression on his politics and career; and New Deal legislation.

Dickson then discusses his career after leaving the Legislature. He talks about working for the federal Department of Justice during World War II, particularly his work on cases involving land condemnation for military use, and arguing before Judge James Alger Fee. He then talks about serving as a judge on the Circuit Court of Multnomah County from 1954 to 1973. He discusses cases involving mental health and guardianship. He then talks about the lives and careers of his children. Dickson closes the interview with a discussion of national politics in the 1990s.

Dickson, William L. (William Lucas), 1907-2002

Oral history interview with Robert E. Jones

This oral history interview with Robert E. Jones was conducted by Clark Hansen at the U.S. District Courthouse in Portland, Oregon, from September 12 to October 14, 2005, as part of the United States District Court Oral History Project. The interview was conducted in five sessions. The first four interview sessions were recorded on audiocassette; the final session was recorded on videocassette. The transcript includes a foreword by Owen Panner and an introduction by Donna Sinclair, as well as several autobiographical addendums by Robert E. Jones.

In the first interview session, conducted on September 12, 2005, Jones discusses his family background and early life in Portland, including his experiences during the Great Depression, his social life, and working in the shipyards during World War II. He describes his service in the U.S. Navy Reserve at the end of the war and talks about how those experiences inform his worldview.

In the second interview session, conducted on September 19, 2005, Jones continues to discuss his service in the U.S. Navy Reserve. He talks about his marriage to Pearl Jensen and attending the University of Hawaii. He then discusses studying at the Northwestern School of Law and talks about practicing law from 1953 to 1963, including lawyers he worked with, cases he worked on, and judges he argued before. He talks about serving as a judge on the Multnomah County Circuit Court, including judges he served with and cases he heard. He also discusses representing Washington County in the Oregon House of Representatives during the 1963 legislative session and talks about legislation that came up during his term.

In the third interview session, conducted on September 22, 2005, Jones discusses serving on the Oregon Commission for Prison Term and Parole Standards and talks about criminal justice. He talks about teaching courses on evidence. He revisits the topic of his service as a judge on the Multnomah County Circuit Court and speaks about cases he presided over, talks about his staff, and describes how the circuit court differed from the U.S. District Court. He then briefly talks about serving as a justice on the Oregon Supreme Court.

In the fourth interview session, conducted on September 29, 2005, Jones continues to discuss serving as a justice on the Oregon Supreme Court. He talks about cases he heard, justices he served with, and some of the decisions he authored. He then discusses serving as a judge on the U.S. District Court of Oregon; talks about the political process of nominating judges; and describes some of the cases he heard. He also speaks about the jury selection process.

In the fifth and final interview session, conducted on October 14, 2005, Jones continues to discuss serving as a judge on the U.S. District Court of Oregon. He speaks further about cases he heard, and talks about technology used in the courtroom. He discusses a 1998 trip to Russia and talks about the Russian legal system. He closes the interview by talking about the most difficult aspects of being a judge.

Jones, Robert E. (Robert Edward), 1927-

Results 1 to 28 of 2096