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Izaak Walton League of America
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Izaak Walton League Correspondence, April 29, 1935

Correspondence from S. B. Locke, Conservation Director of the Izaak Walton League, discussing resolutions adopted by the organization's 13th Annual Convention on April 13, 1935. Resolution topics include opposition to the construction of the Grand Coulee and Bonneville Dams, construction of sewage disposal plants, and a closed season on migratory waterfowl.

Locke, S. B. (Samuel Barron), 1885-1945


Articles discussing William Finley Yellowstone Park trip, Rogue River pollution, and Izaak Walton League Oregon State Council Convention.

Grants Pass Daily Courier

Advertisement and articles

Advertisement for Oregon Audubon Society dinner and articles discussing "Woods, waters and wildlife" lecture and establishment of Clatsop County chapter of Izaak Walton League.

Audubon Society of Portland

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