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World War II Oral History Series

  • WWII
  • Collection
  • 1994-1997

A series of oral histories conducted in conjunction with an OHS museum exhibit. These interviews are mostly with veterans of WWII, and some are with individuals active in the war effort at home.

United States District Court Oral History Project

  • Collection
  • 1966-2020 (bulk 1984-2008)

Since 1984, the Oregon Historical Society has partnered with the United States District Court of Oregon Historical Society to interview judges, lawyers and other legal professionals affiliated with that Court.
With an appeal rate at around 10%, the decisions made by the District Court of Oregon have been deeply influential on the laws and peoples of the state. It has presided over decisions on public land disputes and fishing rights, as well as civil rights and law enforcement. The stories of the people that make up this judicial body provide a valuable tool for helping the public understand the pivotal role the court has had on Oregon’s history.

United States District Court of Oregon Historical Society

Radical Elders oral history series

  • SR_Radical_Elders
  • Collection
  • 1992-05-25 - 2003-03-02

These interviews were conducted as part of a senior capstone class on history at Portland State University, with instructor Sandy Polishuk.

Polishuk, Sandy, 1940-

Oral history interviews conducted by Robert H. Peirce about the Portland Art Museum

  • SRC 3
  • Collection
  • circa 1990-1993

This collection consists of audio recordings of interviews related to the Portland Art Museum (PAM) in Portland, Oregon. They were conducted from approximately 1990 to 1993, most of them by Robert H. Peirce, the museum's librarian. The interviews are with both individuals and groups, including people who worked or volunteered for the museum, attended the Museum Art School, or had other relationships to PAM.

Interviewees include: Bob Sitton, director of the Northwest Film Study Center from 1973 to 1981; Bill Foster, director of the film center from 1981 to 2018; members of the Portland Art Museum Women's Council; Clyde Rice, an author and former student at the Museum Art School; William Givler, a teacher at the Museum Art School starting in 1931, and dean from 1941 to 1973; unidentified people who share memories of Rachael Griffin, curator of the museum from 1955 to 1974; Pietro Belluschi, the architect who designed the museum's building; Marian W. Kolisch, a photographer and the granddaughter of Charles Erskine Scott Wood, who helped to found the museum in 1895; Francis J. Newton, director of the museum from 1960 to 1975; and Robert O. Lee, an explorer and mountaineer who also served on the board of the Portland Art Association, the museum's original parent organization.

Peirce, Robert H. (Robert Henry), 1924-2017

Oral history interview with Charles E. Wright

  • SR611
  • Collection
  • 1991-07-03

This oral history interview with Charles E. Wright was conducted by Elizabeth Buehler on July 12, 1991. In the interview, Wright discusses his education at Yale Law School, particularly studying corporate law with Professor William O. Douglas, who was later a U.S. Supreme Court justice. He briefly discusses returning to Oregon in 1932 and working as a lawyer in Portland; working for the regional office of the Federal Securities and Exchange Commission in Seattle, Washington; and returning to private practice in Portland. He then returns to the topic of William O. Douglas.

Wright, Charles E. (Charles Edward Pares), 1906-1999

Trails to Oregon Exhibit Oral History Series

  • SR Trails to Oregon
  • Collection
  • 1992-11-04/1993-02-05

The oral history interviews included in this oral history series were conducted in 1992 and 1993 for the purpose of inclusion in the Trails to Oregon exhibit at the Oregon Historical Society.

Strassmaier, James

The Immigrant Story Oral Histories

  • SR TIS
  • Collection
  • 2017 - 2020

The Immigrant Story is a private non-profit organization created by Sankar Raman in 2017 with the mission "to document, narrate, and curate the stories of immigrants in order to enhance empathy and help promote an inclusive community." Its goal is to both advance the national dialogue and to dispel myths about new Americans through strong, thoughtful narratives.

Raman, Sankar

Soap Creek Valley History Project

  • SR Soap Creek Valley History Project
  • Collection
  • 1989

The Soap Creek Valley History Project Oral Histories consist of oral histories conducted primarily in 1989-1991 by the Oregon State University Research Forests to better understand the history, ecology, and culture of the Soap Creek Valley in Benton County, Oregon.

Portland State University Oral History Series

  • SR Portland State University Series
  • Collection
  • 1989

A collection of oral history interviews of Portland State University faculty, conducted by other Portland State University faculty.

Portland General Electric Centennial Oral History Series

  • SR PGE
  • Collection
  • 1987 - 1988

A series of interviews conducted by Judy Hartman and Craig Wollner with employees of Portland General Electric for use in creating a history of the company for its centennial in 1988.

Hartman, Judy

Oregon Wine Archives Oral History Project

  • SR Oregon Wine Oral History Series
  • Collection
  • 1990-2003

The Oregon Wine Archives, established at the Oregon Historical Society (OHS) Library, preserves the history of the wine growing industry in Oregon through the collection of various media, including manuscripts, photographs, artifacts, films, and oral histories.

From 2002 to 2003, OHS conducted interviews with notable figures in the wine growing industry, including vintners, vineyard growers, community members, and workers active in the development of Oregon’s wine industry.

The oral interviews collected through this project aim to facilitate better historical understanding in the following areas:

· the process of growing grapes and how it has changed
· the process of wine making and how it has changed
· the experiences and perceptions of people in the wine industry
· how the wine making business has changed
· insight on events related to the wine industry
· community attitudes toward wine and the wine industry
· the economic and social evolution of the wine industry in Oregon
· lobbying and legislative efforts on behalf of the wine industry

Oregon Legislature Oral History Series

  • SR Oregon Legislature Oral History Series
  • Collection
  • 1984 - 2011

This set of interviews was primarily done as part of a decade-long project. They are with primarily state officials, including: senators, representatives, secretaries of state, treasurers, and governors, who held office mostly between 1960 and 1998.

Interviewees include: Victor Atiyeh, the first Arab American Governor in the United States; Maurine Neuberger, Oregon’s first and only female state senator; Clay Myers, Oregon Secretary of State and State Treasurer, and a leader in Land-Use planning; and Monroe Sweetland, a native Oregonian who was politically active across the nation.

Oregon Historical Society Nominated Oral Histories

  • SR Oregon Historical Society Nominated Oral Histories
  • Collection
  • 2017-2021

A series of oral history interviews with Oregonians. The subjects were selected from a pool of nominees by a staff committee appointed by the OHS Executive Director. The purpose of these interviews was to create historical documents of enduring value to enhance and expand the range of Oregon voices preserved by the OHS Research Library, complement existing collections and programs of the Oregon Historical Society, and address goals for collection development and community engagement. The program ended in 2020.

Oregon Historical Society

Oregon Labor Oral History Program

  • Collection
  • 1993 - 2018

The Oregon Labor Oral History Program, building upon the work begun in the 1980s of former Oregon AFL-CIO officer Nellie Fox Edwards, collects oral histories of individuals who have advocated for working people of Oregon, including public figures, union members, and workers. OLOHP accomplishes this work in affiliation with the Pacific Northwest Labor History Association and with the support of the Amalgamated Transit Union 757, volunteers and students.

Marian Wood Kolisch Oral History Collection

  • SR Marian Wood Kolisch Collection
  • Collection
  • 1974-06-17 - 2003-05-25

A series of interviews Oregon photographer Marian Wood Kolisch conducted with local figures in the arts, business, and politics. Many of these interviews were conducted at the same time she took portraits of these individuals.

Kolisch, Marian W.

Senator Mark O. Hatfield Oral History Project

  • SR Hatfield
  • Collection
  • 1987 - 1988

This series of interviews was conducted with Senator Hatfield’s congressional aids, staff and advisors. Senator Hatfield had a long and distinguished career in public service. He began his career as an Oregon State Legislator. He was both Oregon’s youngest Secretary of State and Governor. Later, he was a United States Senator from Oregon for 30 years, the longest term of any senator from Oregon. He is perhaps best known for his early and consistent opposition to the Vietnam War.

Interviewees include: Douglas Coe, associate director of The Fellowship, who has had close relationships with many American politicians; Martin Gold, a member of the United States Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad, appointed by George H.W. Bush, he was counsel to Bill First, Howard Baker and Mark Hatfield; Loren Hicks, counsel to Hatfield and later held many judgeships in Oregon, including circuit judge for Marion County; and Sam Mallicoat, a veteran of WWII and the Korean War, and Chief of Staff for Senator Hatfield during his first senate term.

Fred Meyer Oral History Project

  • SR FM
  • Collection
  • 1970-1990 (bulk 1988-1990)

The Fred Meyer Oral History Series discusses the business operations and the man behind the Fred Meyer stores, one of the first self-service grocery stores in the nation. They were innovators in the concept of one-stop shopping, paving the way for the modern superstore.

Academy of Science of St. Louis

Franklin Historical Society Oral History Program

  • SR FHS
  • Collection
  • 2018-05-20 - ?

This is a series of oral history interviews produced by students at Franklin High School, as part of the Franklin Historical Society program. The program aims to preserve the oral history projects of Advanced Placement (AP) History students at Franklin High School in Portland.

At the end of each school year, students create a museum to display their final projects, many of which include oral history interviews. An online exhibit of some of these museum displays can be found at

Franklin High School (Portland, Or.)

Drive-in Restaurants of Portland Oral History Project

  • SR Drive-ins
  • Collection
  • 1980-09-10 - 1980-11-21

A series of oral history interviews conducted by Curtis Johnson about the history of Drive-in restaurants in Portland, Oregon with a particular emphasis on Tik-Tok and Yaw's Top Notch.

Johnson, Curtis

Columbia River Gorge Lecture Series

  • SR Columbia River Gorge Lecture Series
  • Collection
  • 1981?

A series of lectures given by Gertrude Glutsch Jensen on the importance of preserving the Columbia River Gorge.

Jensen, Gertrude Glutsch, 1903-1986

Oral history interview with Carson Gover

  • SR 9678
  • Collection
  • 1979

This oral history interview with Carson Gover was conducted by Glen Meek in Hermiston, Oregon, in 1979.

In this interview, Gover discusses his family background and early life on a ranch in the Eagle Valley area of Baker County, Oregon. He speaks about the jobs he held in Eastern Oregon and Idaho in the early 20th century, including his work as a rancher, freight team driver, and highway crewman. He talks about his recreational activities, about his wages, and about raising horses. He speaks about the life and career of his father, Samuel Gover. He shares his memories of participating in rodeos in Eastern Oregon, including the Pendleton Round-Up. He also talks about early 20th-century cars.

Gover, Carson (Walter Carson), 1894-1981

Oral history interview with Leo Adler

  • SR 9677
  • Collection
  • 1977-11-10

This oral history interview with Leo Adler was conducted by Charles Digregorio in Portland, Oregon, on November 10, 1977, as part of the Oregon Historical Society Research Library's oral history program.

In this interview, Adler discusses his family background and early life in Baker City, Oregon, including his work delivering and selling newspapers, traveling across Oregon by stagecoach, and people who lived in the area. He talks about his involvement in the local chamber of commerce and in the Anti-Defamation League. He discusses his interest in baseball and talks about some of the World Series games he attended. He also talks about the small Jewish community in Baker City.

Adler, Leo, 1895-1993

Oral history interview with Clayton P. Strain

  • SR 9676
  • Collection
  • 1970-09-30

This oral history interview with Clayton P. Strain was conducted by Larry C. Skoog on September 30, 1970, for the Oregon Historical Society.

In this interview, Strain discusses the political career of his father, Charles Preston Strain, on the Pendleton City Council, including a conflict with the Union Pacific Railroad. He shares his memories of life in Pendleton, Oregon, in the first decades of the 20th century. He describes the town, talks about ranches and farms in the area, and discusses the origins of the Pendleton Round-Up. He speaks at length about the Round-Up's early years. He closes the interview by further discussing his father's political career.

Strain, Clayton P. (Clayton Preston), 1892-1987

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